George Zafiropoulos - KJ6VU


News Desk

George was licensed as a novice in 1972 as WN6CMM, then a general with the callsign WA6YPS and now an extra class licensee with the callsign KJ6VU.  George has a wide variety of radio interests including home brewing, QRP, and repeater building.  An active member of the BayNet Amateur Radio Club in the San Francisco bay area and master of ceremonies at the annual BayCon Radio Conference.

George is the host of the Ham Radio Workbench Podcast and has produced over 150 episodes since 2016.  The HRWB podcast focuses on the technical aspects of ham radio with a big emphasis on circuit design, construction, microcontrollers, test equipment, and all aspects of home brewing.  The show is available on any podcast player and directly on the HRWB web site at

George is an avid portable operator and his favorite operating event is Field Day.  He was honored to be interviewed by Eric 4Z1UG on the QSO Today podcast.  You can hear his story here

Callsign: KJ6VU
Website: LINK